търсения термин fickle има 3 резултати
премини към
EN английски BG български
fickle (adj) [quick to change one’s opinion or allegiance] непостоя́нен (adj) [quick to change one’s opinion or allegiance] (adj)
fickle (adj) [quick to change one’s opinion or allegiance] проме́нлив (adj) [quick to change one’s opinion or allegiance] (adj)
fickle (adj) [quick to change one’s opinion or allegiance] отмятащ се (adj) [quick to change one’s opinion or allegiance] (adj)

английски български преводи

EN синоними на fickle BG преводи
unstable [flighty] instável
inconstant [flighty] (formal inconstante
variable [flighty] variável {f}
capricious [flighty] imprevisível
erratic [flighty] irregular
frivolous [flighty] frívolo
volatile [flighty] temperamental
untrue [unfaithful] inverídico
wandering [unfaithful] ganância {f}
perfidious [unfaithful] (formal traiçoeiro
false [unfaithful] deslealade
adulterous [unfaithful] adúltero {m}
flighty [changeable] tontoa
whimsical [changeable] caprichoso
shifting [changeable] mutávelão de
fitful [changeable] irregular
unsteady [undependable] volátil
uncertain [undependable] vago
shifty [undependable] safado {m}
deceitful [disloyal] doloso