търсения термин toekoms има 6 резултати
AF африканс BG български
toekoms бъдеще {n} (bǎdešte)
toekoms бъдеще време {n} (bǎdešte vreme)
toekoms бъдещ
toekoms (n adj) [having to do with or occurring in the future] бъдещ (n adj) [having to do with or occurring in the future]
toekoms (n adj) [the time ahead] бъ́деще (n adj) [the time ahead] (n adj)
AF африканс BG български
toekoms (n adj) [something that will happen in moments yet to come] бъ́деще вре́ме (n adj) [something that will happen in moments yet to come] (n adj)