търсения термин fallacious има 2 резултати
премини към
EN английски BG български
fallacious (adj) [characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken] измамен (adj) [characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken] (adj)
fallacious (adj) [characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken] погрешен (adj) [characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken] (adj)

английски български преводи

EN синоними на fallacious BG преводи
defective [null and void] defeituoso
erroneous [null and void] (formal errôneo
wrong [null and void] equivocado
unconvincing [null and void] pouco convincente
groundless [null and void] infundado
illogical [null and void] ilógico
invalid [null and void] inválida {f}
unsound [illogical] doentio
preposterous [illogical] (formal risível
inconceivable [illogical] inconcebível
inconsistent [illogical] inconciliável
specious [illogical] (pej. especioso
untenable [illogical] insustentável
irrational [illogical] irracional
superficial [ineffectual] superficial
poor [ineffectual] pobree adão
false [ineffectual] deslealade
flimsy [ineffectual] leve
deceptive [property] enganador {m}
deceiving [property] engambelador {m}