търсения термин принуда има 5 резултати
премини към
BG български NL нидерландски
принуда (n) [something that constrains] (n) begrenzing (n) {f} [something that constrains]
принуда (n) [actual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person] (n) dwang (n) {m} [actual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person]
принуда (n) [act of enforcing; compulsion] (n) handhaving (n) {f} [act of enforcing; compulsion]
принуда (n) [something that constrains] (n) beperking (n) {f} [something that constrains]
принуда (n) [something that constrains] (n) inperking (n) [something that constrains] (n)