търсения термин divisão има 11 резултати
PT португалски BG български
divisão (n v) [location of an organization with several locations] {f} клон (n v) {m} [location of an organization with several locations]
divisão (n) [arithmetic: calculation involving this process] {f} деление (n) [arithmetic: calculation involving this process]
divisão (n) [arithmetic: process of dividing a number by another] {f} деление (n) [arithmetic: process of dividing a number by another]
divisão (n) [section of a large company] {f} подразделение (n) {n} [section of a large company]
divisão (n) [large military unit] {f} дивизия (n) {f} [large military unit]
PT португалски BG български
divisão (n) [act or process of dividing anything] {f} делене (n) {n} [act or process of dividing anything]
divisão (n) [act or process of dividing anything] {f} разделяне (n) {n} [act or process of dividing anything]
divisão (n v) [separation of connected things] {f} разделяне (n v) {n} [separation of connected things]
divisão (n v) [location of an organization with several locations] {f} филиа́л (n v) [location of an organization with several locations] (n v)
divisão (n v) [area in business or of knowledge, research] {f} о́бласт (n v) [area in business or of knowledge, research] (n v)
divisão (n v) [separation of connected things] {f} разрив (n v) [separation of connected things] (n)

португалски български преводи

PT синоними на divisão BG преводи
separação [dissolução] f разделяне {n}
campo [campo] m игрище (n v)
esfera [campo] f сфера {f} (sféra)
território [campo] m терито́рия (n)
ramo [campo] m о́бласт (n v)
putrefação [dissociação] f разлагане
apodrecimento [dissociação] m разлагане
decomposição [dissociação] f разлагане