търсения термин расчёт има 6 резултати
RU руски BG български
расчёт (n v) [(construction and business) a document specifying how much a job will probably cost] (n v) сметка (n v) [(construction and business) a document specifying how much a job will probably cost]
расчёт (n v) [(archaic) reckoning, calculation] (n v) сме́тка (n v) [(archaic) reckoning, calculation] (n v)
расчёт (n) [act or process of calculating] (n v) изчисле́ние (n) [act or process of calculating] (n)
расчёт (n) [reckoning, estimate] (n v) разче́т (n) [reckoning, estimate] (n)
расчёт (n) [expectation based on circumstances] (n v) предположе́ние (n) [expectation based on circumstances] (n)
RU руски BG български
расчёт (n v) [(construction and business) a document specifying how much a job will probably cost] (n v) калкулация (n v) [(construction and business) a document specifying how much a job will probably cost] (n v)