търсения термин револю́ция има 5 резултати
BG български RU руски
револю́ция (n) [political upheaval] (n) револю́ция (n) [political upheaval] (n)
револю́ция (n) [removal and replacement of a government] (n) револю́ция (n) [removal and replacement of a government] (n)
револю́ция (n) [removal and replacement of a government] (n) переворо́т (n) [removal and replacement of a government] (n)
RU руски BG български
револю́ция (n) [political upheaval] (n) револю́ция (n) [political upheaval] (n)
револю́ция (n) [removal and replacement of a government] (n) револю́ция (n) [removal and replacement of a government] (n)